
Below you will find a little information about the shelters we partner with.

I Love Family Dog Rescue

Family Dog Rescue was founded in 2010 by Angela Padilla, a young mom battling breast cancer. As a grassroots-grown, 501c3 dog rescue organization, we save over 1,000 dogs per year from certain euthanasia and place them with loving families.

We love their Mission:

“Our Mission~to rescue and rehome purebreds, mixed breeds, puppies, adults, large, small, fluffy, hairless, kid friendly, differently-abled, and canine companions to bring people and pets together because we believe that DOG + HUMAN = FAMILY and a dog makes a house a home.”


Sherri Franklin, a long-time animal advocate and shelter volunteer, founded Muttville in 2007 to save the lives of the older dogs that were considered “unadoptable” and routinely euthanized in area shelters.

We love their simple, but wonderful Mission:

“Muttville is changing the way the world thinks about and treats older dogs.”

Pasadena Humane is a non-profit organization founded in 1903 for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Animals. Like many turn-of-the-century humane societies, Pasadena Humane worked to ensure the humane treatment of draft animals, as well as rescuing and rehoming orphaned and abused children.

We love their simply stated Mission:

“To lead the way toward a compassionate and caring community for all animals.”

Pasadena Humane

Former Partners

Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation (H.A.R.F.)

H.A.R.F. is a small, non-profit organization that was founded in 2011. Their mission is beautiful:

“Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation’s mission is to end animal abuse, neglect and homelessness on the island of Maui, strengthen the human animal bond and create a place where people help animals and animals help people.”

We are thrilled to help them with their mission!